Renewal Reminders

Want to use one of the great benefits mentioned below at some point in the future? Take the hassle away from remembering and let us know when, and RSB Perks will remind you about them closer to the time.

Once you fill out a reminder, Parliament Hill Ltd will then contact you nearer the time. Please note that you must inform Parliament Hill Ltd of any changes to your contact details. If Parliament Hill Ltd are unable to contact you, for instance due to a non-delivered e-mail or the phone is not answered or is engaged then Parliament Hill Ltd do not want to be intrusive and so Parliament Hill Ltd will not continue to try to make contact after four unsuccessful attempts. You must ensure that you make a note of your renewal reminder date in case of this scenario, as Parliament Hill Ltd will be unable to remind you of your renewal or an e-mail reminder could slip into your spam folder. You will continue to receive reminders from Parliament Hill Ltd until you request for Parliament Hill Ltd to stop sending reminders via the unsubscribe link in the emails.

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These cookies are used to remember activities and any preferences you and your browser have chosen. They are not used to save personal information. Cookies can be controlled and you can decide which cookies are saved and which you want to remove. For further information and to learn more about cookies in general, use the following link:

What cookies are used?

If you have an enquiry about your membership, please contact your organisation. Otherwise to get in touch about the RSB Perks scheme, which is run and managed by Parliament Hill, please provide your details below and Parliament Hill will get back to you.

I have read and accepted the privacy notice.

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I have read and accepted the privacy notice .

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